I can't have an orgasm with my partner! Am I frigid?
"I never have an orgasm with my partner" is a phrase we often hear from girls. At the same time, they usually have no such problems with solo sex! Why can this be? We will tell you in this article.
If you're thinking, "It's probably my partner. He doesn't know what to do or doesn't pay attention," you will only be right in a small percentage of cases. Yes, these are possible reasons, but more often the problem lies much deeper.
The second thought that might occur to you - "Well, if not a partner, then she is frigid! Again, possible and unlikely! Frigidity is a medical diagnosis that only a doctor can make. It affects only 3% of the world's population and is accompanied by a complete lack of arousal. So if a girl can bring herself to orgasm on her own, she is definitely not frigid.
Now for the real problems. Globally, the causes can be divided into:
Physical causes
Psychological causes
External factors
Physical causes include:
Weak intimate muscles. This can happen for various reasons: age, childbirth, lack of physical activity in life, etc. You can correct the situation with a special set of exercises to train the muscles of the intimate area. Low sensitivity of the erogenous zones This can be a natural or acquired characteristic. When you are ill, you do not want to do anything. This includes experiencing orgasm, so do not panic if "orgasms" disappear during a cold. Libido can also be reduced by taking certain medicines or oral contraceptives. If you notice this, contact your doctor to have your prescription adjusted.
Harmful habits
Alcohol can dull the sensation, especially in large doses. So if you are planning a romantic evening, bear this in mind.
There are also psychological reasons. These include stress, complexes and misunderstandings between partners, arguments and many other factors. Female orgasm is not only about stimulating the erogenous zones, but also about the right mood, atmosphere, calm and comfort with your partner.
There are also external factors to consider. Here we are talking about the process BEFORE and AT THE TIME of sex. First, there is foreplay. It should last about 10-15 minutes to achieve the necessary level of arousal. Secondly, it is the context of the sexual act. For example, it is worth getting rid of the cat that is watching you to make you both more comfortable.
Literally 50-60 years ago, people did not care about the female orgasm at all, believing that a woman's job was to bring pleasure to a man. Girls were supposed to be happy when their partner reached the climax. In the middle of the last century, William Masters and Virginia Johnson started talking about female orgasm, they were the first to conduct medical research and finally legalised mutual pleasure!
Now our project is actively continuing the work of Masters and Johnson by making people happier: teaching men and women the art of love and understanding their partner! If you found this article useful, check out the following courses: